Feedback or Feed-back: The Final Box to Tick

Every year, we fill forms in our colleges, corporates, and training sessions. While done, stack the forms, and leave the room. We select the best 3-5 feedback forms and use them as testimonials. But have you ever wondered about the rest? The rest reflect the truth of your training sessions. Yet, we often find these forms with street vendors handing us pakoras wrapped in them. And if it’s an online feedback form, we tend to delete it first to make space in our drives. Feedback is an essential and compulsory component of training. Yet it has now become just a formality.
In the world of executive training and executive coaching, feedback is a key pillar. Feedback guides future sessions and improvements. Yet, despite its importance, feedback often remains unaddressed. Companies invest heavily in the best corporate training in India. We seek out the best executive coaching. But the feedback cycle is either ignored or poorly executed. We are great at collecting forms, but not so great at acting on the responses. Worse, if the feedback is negative or critical. It’s either deleted or dismissed without a second thought.

This lack of proper action on feedback creates a significant gap. There’s a wide chasm between the training offered and its actual impact on participants. Top organizations run executive training programs. They pride themselves on offering the best corporate training in India. However they overlook the importance of feeding this feedback back into the system. In doing so, they fail to address the core issues raised by participants. Thus, reducing the effectiveness of the training.

How often have you heard of training sessions being reworked based on feedback? Once in a hundred? Or perhaps never?

In executive coaching, the feedback loop should be constant and constructive. When feedback highlights areas for improvement, it often gets brushed under the rug. Without follow-up or re-training, the knowledge gained is wasted. This not only squanders valuable time but also reduces the training to a mere escape from work. Participants end up just relaxing instead of applying what they’ve learned.

Moreover, feedback isn’t just a checkbox to tick at the end of a training session. It’s a powerful tool that can lead to enhanced learning experiences. Provided it’s treated with the importance it deserves. What truly matters is 

  • addressing the areas of concern raised, 
  • revisiting the training content, and 
  • making necessary adjustments.
Without this follow-up, feedback loses its purpose. In executive coaching, the best executive coaching programs are those considering feedback seriously. Thus, ensuring that both the coach and the participant grow together. Similarly, executive training programs must include feedback that isn’t discarded after the session. They must revisit and act upon to improve the next round of training.
If feedback is merely treated as a formality it defeats its purpose. Acting on feedback is the key to turning a good training session into an excellent one.
For more tips on feedback and its loopholes, join ILA’s signature programs. Discover how to effectively utilize feedback to enhance training outcomes. Address common pitfalls nd lern our signture Feed-bck process. Learn from experts and refine your approach. Ensure that feedback drives real change in your organization. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your training initiatives!

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