Indian Leadership Academy

Art of Leading Millennials: The Coaching Way

A Workshop - Aspire to Inspire

The modern workplace is undergoing a generational change. The latest estimates given by Deloitte in their research, projects, that Millennials will make up 75% of the global workforce as early as 2025 making them the largest generational group in the workforce today. As this segment has started to become more prevalent in businesses and leadership positions, it is becoming imperative for leaders to find suitable strategies to harness the talent, drive and the expectations of this generation.

Leading Millennial Leaders

In this digital age, rapid and constant changes is the new norm, and what succeeded in the past is no longer a guide to what will succeed in the future. Millennial Leaders simply don’t (and can’t!) have all the right answers. To adapt to these Changes and New Challenges, what can leaders learn or do? How can we inspire fresh energy, innovation and commitment in this fast- paced world?

According to the latest reports of the International Coach Federation (ICF), the most effective leaders are those who are able to enable a collaborative workforce while building a high-performance coaching culture. Hence, emerging leaders are on their way to acquire a coaching style of leadership to prepare Millennial Leaders for challenges that this VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) world brings with it.

Wish this in mind, Indian Leadership Academy, invites you for a unique opportunity to join out first-of-its kind program and master the “ART OF LEADING MILLENIALS: THE COACHING WAY”.

Program Benefits

Program Importance

Future of Leadership for Millennials

Promote Agility towards Learning

Opportunities to Build Professionalism

Develop Community Mindset

Why choose us

Art of Leading Millennials: The Coaching Way Workshop at Indian Leadership Academy is in a class by itself, a unique 4-hour workshop, solely designed by a team of experts to introduce the concept of Coaching Style Leadership with Accelerated Learning Style. A full interactive and Activity Oriented workshop, which instils WHAT, WHY and HOW of Coaching Millennial Leaders.

Who can attend the Workshop

Bonus Takeaways

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