Indian Leadership Academy


“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop”

- Confucius

Every day we leave our bed with a new zeal and energy ready to get started with our routine. Each time thinking that “today I would perform better than yesterday”. Working on a goal, trying to achieve a target, starting something new, learning a new language, or even if it is just our daily job, we need something very consistent and constant in our lives to get us moving or at least get us through it, that is MOTIVATION. This ten-letter word as elementary as it sounds is really a powerful yet tricky beast.
Challenges are a part of our journey and they teach us numerous lessons. But it is not always easy to keep up with these challenges and we often feel exhausted, directionless, and unimaginative. Needless to say in such scenarios it is easy to lose motivation.
So basically there are three questions that arise when we set our minds toward a goal:
1)  How long is it going to take?
2) How much time do I need to give to this?
3) Will the process be worth it?
Well, what if I say the answer to all these complex questions is actually quite concise. You just need to form a constructive routine and follow it religiously. I have summed up a list of some absolute best ways to stay motivated in life. So, if you’re looking for ways to stay positive and motivated throughout your journey towards your goal, here are 8 tips that should help.

1) Just get started

There is something called the Zeigarnik effect where people tend to remember the incomplete tasks more than the completed ones. This results in nagging and we fail to start with new things. It is commonly seen that even after having a goal, people seem to procrastinate for different reasons like they feel the target is mammoth, they are worried about having less time, or maybe they are just not able to channel the right amount of energy, to begin with. In such cases just close your eyes, hope for the best, and get started as starting a task always means that you are more likely to finish it. Take the first step without thinking much or squandering away time. Reaching somewhere is always better than staying in the same place.

1) Just get started

2) Surround yourself with people who motivate you

2) Surround yourself with people who motivate you

There is a famous saying that ‘we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with’. If you wish to increase your capacity and capability, hang out with people that will cause you to do that. Surround yourself with people with whom maybe you have to stretch just a little bit or a little more to keep up. When we spend time with people who are slightly better than us or keep motivating us, we often tend to rise to the occasion, constantly thinking and constantly being tested. We keep forcing ourselves to perform better with any undue pressure. This causes us to grow ourselves out of necessity, as opposed to succumbing to atrophy and we eventually start observing a change in our personality.

3) Manage time and set realistic goals

Setting up an arduous objective is great, but not being able to achieve it on time makes us even more anxious leading to self-doubt and we feel that we are back to square one. It is very important to know yourself, your limits, and your capabilities. We do know that setting goals and achieving them not only get things done but also build self-esteem, happiness, and a sense of well-being. This is more likely to happen if your goals are realistic. Realistic goals are more motivating than those that set the bar too high. The best way to do this is by making your goal your habit which is done by breaking it down into smaller pieces. Observe your routine and how much time in a day can you be the most productive. Plan your time accordingly and assign yourself daily easily achievable tasks. One tiny step at a time will take you a long way.

3) Manage time and set realistic goals

4) Talk positively to yourself

4) Talk positively to yourself

Positive speaking is a very powerful tool. Not everyone uses it but it can actually bring about a drastic change in your personality by adding so much light and positivity to it. Instead of saying “I am working on ABC task, I’m trying but it’s hard”, tell yourself “I am working on ABC task and I’m doing a good job look how far I have come!” Be absolutely dedicated to being your own source of strength, your own source of motivation. Yes, use external third-party sources from time to time to augment and supplement that, to refresh, to “refill the bucket,” but be your own source of motivation. Envision yourself achieving the goal and remind yourself what brought you to this point.

5) Get enough sleep

Sleep is important for various aspects of brain function. This includes cognition, concentration, productivity, and performance. When you are tired, your thought process decreases causing it to become nearly impossible to commit anything to memory. Without an adequate amount of sleep, your brain has a difficult time producing the energy needed to absorb and recall new information. Researchers aren’t exactly sure how sleep enhances our memory, but they do know sleep has an effect on the part of the brain where long-term memories are stored. So never deprive yourself of sleep. Getting a good 7-8 hour sleep will keep you fresh and you will be able to work more efficiently.

5) Get enough sleep

6) Track your progress

6) Track your progress

You must have heard this before too and almost everybody says this- DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS. Comparing yourself to others only makes your life difficult and brings you misery and pain. You are you, and you will always and always perform better if you do something in your own way and do not try to copy someone. Take inspiration from others instead, observe them keenly and then decide which route would be the best for you. Think different, be yourself.
However, if you do want to compare, do it with your past self. Track your progress, your achievements and see how far you have come and what all you have learned. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and you will feel proud of yourself. This will also help you to know where you are still lacking and where you need to put more effort.

7) Keep away from distractions

Distractions are the worst deal-breakers. There countless distractions around us in the form of cellphones, televisions, friends, relatives, negative thoughts, bad habits, and the list goes on.
Our life is made up of days, days hours, and hours of minutes. Although a minute or ten doesn’t seem like much, the idea that one can waste a few minutes is the biggest, fattest lie ever been told. Eliminate these distractions from your life as soon as possible. You can try different ways to stop yourself from being carried away, like if your phone is your biggest distraction set reminders on your phone to remind yourself that you should be doing your work, stick motivational posters in your room and put stickers that say “danger”, or “stay away” on the distracting objects.

7) Keep away from distractions

If you feel that a few of your friends distract you or make you do something you don’t want to, just say ‘no!”. It’s okay to say no and be selfish sometimes. Our parents were not wrong when they used to warn us about a few of our friends.
If you feel that your mind is seeping into negative thoughts try deviating yourself by singing a song, changing the place, or switching the task. Whatever keeps your mind off these distractions just do it.

8) Reward yourself

8) Reward yourself

It is very crucial how you go about your task. Rewarding yourself is a great way to keep you motivated and focused. Each and every person works the best under positive reinforcement. Reward yourself whenever you hit an important milestone or achieve a specific goal. The logic here? Having something to look forward to makes it easier to stick with a habit when you’re feeling a lack of motivation. For example, on completing your weekly targets on time and effectively, treat yourself to an outing with your friends or a movie night with your family. Sometimes maybe even go for some self-care options like a spa. This way you will stay motivated and on track and all your work will be completed on time.

9) Don’t quit

Being in a zone of negativity is not an uncommon thing. But fighting your way through it without giving up in between comes what may make you special and different from others. People quit for trivial reasons like they feel they are not progressing, their performance is unsatisfactory, they have family or partner issues, they lack resources, and two hundred other reasons. Always remember, there could be thousand different reasons which can stop you from doing what you are doing but one and only one reason can be strong enough to steer you back on your track and get you accelerated. A wise person once said, “A winner is that loser who just tried one more time”. No matter how exhausted you feel don’t lose hope. Rest if you must but don’t you quit.

9) Don’t quit

Overall Evaluation: This is a well-grounded argument with a basis of reasoning, logic, and rational conclusion that new cases will emerge from every district in the state.

Life is a constant choice between giving in to the ease of distraction or overcoming the pain of discipline. It is the sum total of a hundred thousand daily battles and tiny decisions to either gut it out or give it up. Staying motivated is not a piece of cake but it is absolutely within your reach.

This little moment right here where you don’t feel like moving any further is not out of the ordinary. It is very much like the other moments in your life. But it is your decision, whether you want to accept defeat before you compete or take a different route and spend it in a way that makes you proud. Always remember YOU CAN DO IT!